Thursday, August 28, 2008

Photos with Christine

Yesterday I got together with my friend Christine for a little photo shoot. She needed some new headshots for her new position as one of Walmart's Money Saving Mom's and I was looking forward to trying out my camera on an adult :) We had a great time hanging out and walking around town posing for pictures. Christine is so photogenic it was easy to get a ton of great shots! By the time we got back to my house to look at the photos I had about 200 pictures taken and she looked great in all of them. It was very hard to narrow them down!

I have been taking pictures of several of my friends' kids lately and I never post them on my blog because it really is meant as a gift to them, for them to use as they like. My friend Christine was encouraging me to embrace the little budding photographer inside me and to start sharing some of the pictures. So here are a few of my favorites from my time with Christine and a web gallery of the rest. Can you believe she has 6 kids??? You look gorgeous Christine!!! :)

Click on Christine's picture below to visit the web gallery. I recommend clicking on slideshow (on the top left) to see all the photos in full size.



Christine said...

YOU made me look gorgeous... Wait, let's forget about that! LOL :)

Thanks so much for everything, Sandy! YOU ROCK!

It's Dangerous to Pick a Nurses Brain said...

Okay, where can i sign up?

It's Dangerous to Pick a Nurses Brain said...

BTW - what does TBD mean in your book list? A Voice in the Wind, if you haven't started it is AWESOME...and you won't be able to stop until you finish all 3. I just finished Leota's Garden by the same author, and I was just as excited about that one.

Silly Lilly & Family said...

Those picture are really great Sandy! You did a great job and well Christine always looks gorgeous.