Haylie - The following are Haylie's latest "little things..."
"By myself "- Haylie now wants to do everything by herself! I think it started with potty training. Since she is now a big girl it seems there is nothing she cannot do by herself. I want to put on my clothes "by myself," I want to go potty "by myself," I want to go night night "by myself," she even told Daddy not to hold her in the pool recently because she wanted to swim "by myself." (She changed her tune once she sucked in a little water!)
Afraid of the dark - Strangely enough, despite her now found independence, Haylie has very recently become afraid of the dark. Every time she goes to bed now she requests the light on and / or the door open. We bought her a little night light which she seems to be ok with for now. We have been trying to decide if she is really afraid of the dark or just wants the light so she can get her books and read in bed!
James - James really wants to crawl (especially since Haylie keeps taking away his toys and seems to leave them just out of his reach). He gets up on his hands and knees rocking back and forth but can't manage to get anywhere - soon soon!
Raider - Raider is my new shopping buddy. I wrote about his first purchase awhile ago - the first time he showed any interest in spending his money on something other than video games and candy :) Throughout our whole time in Canada - he jumped at any mention of shopping and wanted to make sure he was counted in (before he did anything he could to get out of it). While in Victoria we walked into a mall for a little while during our adventure around town (mostly to get out of the rain). Both Raider and I bought a sweater (sweatshirt for him) - at the same store! Not sure if that's bad for me or him (he quickly reminded me we both shop at Old Navy..) Here is Raider posing in a phone booth in his new sweatshirt.
I love that picture of Haylie! Her eyes look amazing. :)
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