Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Borders Buddies

One of my most favorite ways to spend my free time is going to Borders and reading books - I have loved to do this since college. I was a pretty cheap date then; Micah would take me out for dates and I always loved just sitting in Borders for hours looking at books together - I could do it all day if I had the time. Most recently I have found a new Borders buddy. Haylie loves to read books too so we like to venture up to Borders and sit for an hour or so looking at books. I am always checking out the photography section, "religion" section, or the parenting section, while Haylie reads every Dora book she can find. We get a little pile of books and sit in a corner and read - it is one of the most enjoyable things for me. I recently found out our local Borders has free storytimes every Tuesday. Haylie had a fun time this morning listening to the story and singing songs with all the other little kids (there must have been at least 20). Also just to note - I have decided to add a little column on the side of my blog with the latest books I am reading - in case anyone wants some book reviews!


Mindy said...

Sandy, Haylie is going to look back on those memories of you two in the bookstore and feel so special! What a fun day! You are such a good mama. (And you gave me an idea for our playgroup...something with books...hmmmm....)

Grandma Runner said...

Sounds like a fun time at the bookstore! Not so fun time, with Micah sick too! Praying for everyone to be well!!!

I did notice, most of Micah's pix -he's in the same colorful striped shirt, it must be his favorite!!! Talk with you soon - Love you all -mom/grandma runner

Kirk and Abbey said...

I like your book list, too! I just finished "Grace-Based Parenting" by Tim Kimmel and highly recommend it.
Thanks for your nice long comment! Totally makes my day! :)

The Squires Family said...

I'm so glad you all seem to be feeling better! What a terrible way to spend a week! Thanks for your comment--we knew you were all under the weather during the garage sale and I'm just glad that you're all on the mend so we can hang out again soon! Jacob keeps asking to get on the computer and look at pictures of Haylie on your blog. How young is too young for crushes?