Thursday, July 24, 2008

Coopers and Runners

We are back from Tahoe now and the Family Reunion is officially over. Every 3 years the Coopers and Runners have a big get together. The families are clustered between New York, Arizona and California so we alternate locations. This year was the CA turn and we held the event in Strawberry near the Runner cabin.

Quick family history: Micah's Grandpa is from the Runner family. The Runner family consists of 3 boys and 1 girl: Meredith, Waldo, Carol and George (Micah's Granpda). Micah's Grandma is from the Cooper family. The Cooper family also consists of 3 boys and 1 girl: Don, Gary, Kay (Micah's Grandma) and Bill. The interesting thing about the Cooper / Runner family is that George and Kay were married and so were Don and Carol. So Carol became a Cooper and Kay became a Runner, but together the family are all Coopers and Runners in one way or another! The families of all 8 kids (listed above) get together for the Cooper Runner Reunion - this year we had 16 families who came.

James was a big hit at the reunion because his whole name is James Cooper Runner!

From left: Carol, Don, Kay, Aida and Waldo (who is 93 years old and flew all the way across the country by himself to attend the reunion. He was even out playing baseball with the little ones. Amazing!!)

Haylie had a great time playing with 2 year old Cailynn - Haylie just wanted to play with her every second of the day - it was very cute.

The whole Cooper Runner Gang!


~april said...

that is awesome, sandy! :)

little sailor girl said...

i am so sad i missed it.