Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thank You Jesus

When Haylie and I did our daily Bible Study this morning we learned about being thankful to Jesus. The story was about 10 men with leprosy that Jesus healed, but only one man came back and said thank you. "One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him..." Luke 17:15 - Or, as Haylie says, "He no say thank you, he no say thank you, he no say thank you....HE say thank you." So I asked Haylie what she wanted to thank Jesus for and here's how the conversation went:

Mommy: Haylie, what do you want to thank Jesus for?
Haylie: Thank you for Kiley
M: What else?
H: Auntie Nicole
M: What else?
H: Uncle Brian
M: What else?
H: Apples
M: What else?
H: Daddy
M: What else?
H: Thank you for our house
M: What else?
H: Thank you for church
M: What else?
H: umm, Jasmine (Of Jasmine and Aladdin of course)

Well that could go on forever so we decided to stop at Jasmine and pray and thank God for all the things that Haylie is thankful for. Not sure if Daddy will be thrilled that he made it after apples but at least he beat out Jasmine - that is quite the accomplishment in itself!!

I love spending time with Haylie learning more about Jesus - they are the most basic concepts in a preschool level book but even us smart adults could serve to be reminded about things like being thankful, sharing with others, showing kindness and being obedient. Thank you Jesus for our many blessings and the things you teach us every day.