One more post to go after this - I just couldn't narrow down the pictures - I don't want to forget any of it!!!
We started our day in Monterey at Bubba Gumps shrimp since Raider had been craving Fish n Chips all week.

Then we headed over to the aquarium. I was packed with people and felt much like this fish tank so we didn't stay as long as we had intended.

The kids enjoyed watching all the sea creatures but their favorite by far was the sharks. We sat and watched a couple sharks go around a tank for about a half hour. Raider took off and toured the whole aquarium by himself. We only made it about halfway around before we were done.

After the aquarium we headed to a crepe place we saw when driving into town, and enjoyed our most favorite vacation snack!!!

I usually take pictures of the yummy crepes but they were gone so fast I didn't even get one shot:

I think we were all beat after so many adventurous days. Monterey was so cold and windy we were exhausted when we came back and in need of a good rest: