Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rock Star

The next thing on my to do list is learning to play the guitar. I am absolutely determined to learn so I can play and sing children's songs with the kids. Now I just need to buy a guitar. For now though, Haylie is beating me to the punch using Kiley's guitar that she let us borrow for a photo shoot. This is our favorite song to sing - "You and Me Together:"

And of course James always wants to participate:

These videos are courtesy of the new little Flip video camera which Micah bought as a "Mother's Day" present. He had been talking about getting one for months and I happened to get it for Mother's day :) No really, it has been super easy to capture, upload and edit videos so I can share them more often.


Stantonclan said...

Haylie is such a HAM! Kiley and Lea wanted to watch this over and over again!!!

the mathisons said...

Sandy, I have been checking those out and was wondering what one you got? There is the mino and then there is the ultra. Are you still happy with it? Does is take still pictures as well?
Haley is so adorable!

The Runner Bunch said...

Kelly - we got the Flip Mino and it works great. I haven't had any problems with it. It doesn't tke still pictures but it comes with an editing software and you can freeze frame to capture a still shot from the video you took. It is pretty cool. :)